这个东西的功能非常强大。。。有四种对捣乱的惩处(踢出Kick,禁入Ban(踢IP),ISP Ban(对付通过动态域名之类的访问的家伙),禁言SID Ban),还可以通过编程实现各种各样的功能(比如说禁止使用某种精灵),详细的可以看http://www.tvsian.com/netbattle/ScriptFAQ.txt (据说这个已经有一段时间没更新了,缺了一些有用的新命令,比如#GetPokeItem,#GetPokeLevel(不能确定)等等,大家找找看看能不能找到更新版的。)
编程教程(主要是从那个txt及官方论坛中提炼出来然后自己翻译了一部分): 首先是按楼顶的方法启动,然后选菜单中的Server-->Script Window,就可以输入指令了。 指令的基本模式: ----------------------------- Event {-|+}[EventName] [Code] EndEvent ----------------------------- 表示当某事件([EventName])发生前/后执行 [Code]指令 {-|+}:根据需要选择填-或+,-表示在该事件发生之前执行指令,+表示在之后执行 [EventName]:事件名,具体列表如下: ----------------------------- 事件名 | 描述 ServerStartup | 服务器开启时 NewMessage | 新信息出现在the Server text box时 ChatMessage | 一个聊天信息被收到时 PlayerSignOn | 一个玩家登陆时 PlayerSignOff | 一个玩家退出时 ChallengeIssued | 挑战发起时 BattleBegin | 一场战斗开始时 BattleOver | 一场战斗结束时 PlayerKick | 一个玩家被踢出时 PlayerBan | 一个玩家被禁入时(踢IP) PlayerAway | 一个玩家变为离开状态时 TeamChange | 一个玩家更改自己的队伍时 Timer | 计时,一个比较特殊的事件,有自己的专门模式,不属于基本模式 ----------------------------- [Code]:命令,分两类,Command和Function,前者不返回任何数据,后者有返回结果。命令表太长,我放在后面。
变量: Variables are created with the /Set command. As seen in List 1, the /Set command has 2 arguments: !var and !val. The first argument is special in that it CANNOT be a simple numerical or text value. It must be a variable. If the variable referred to does not yet exist, the /Set command will create it for you. Either way, the value of !val will then be stored in this variable. This argument may be omitted, in which case 0 or "" will be assumed, depending on the variable's type. !val may also be a variable, if you wish to set one variable equal to another.
There are two types of variables: Text variables and Number variables. When refering to a Text variable, put a "$" before its name. For a number variable, put a "#" before its name. Variable names must consist of only letters. You may observe variables and their values in the Variables tab of the Script Window.
特殊变量(一些很有用的变量)表: ---------------------------------------------------------- 事件名 | #Source的值 | #Target的值 | $Message的值 ServerStartup | N/A | N/A | N/A NewMessage | N/A | N/A | 增加的信息 ChatMessage | 发送者 | N/A | 聊天信息 PlayerSignOn | 玩家编号 | N/A | N/A PlayerSignOff | 玩家编号 | N/A | N/A ChallengeIssued | 挑战发起者 | 被挑战者 | 规则信息(注) BattleBegin | 玩家1 | 玩家2 | N/A BattleOver | 胜利者 | 失败者 |"TIE"或者"WIN"(好像是根据胜负决定) PlayerKick | 踢人者 | 被踢者号码 | N/A PlayerBan | 使别人禁入者 | 被禁入者号码 | N/A PlayerAway | 玩家号码 | N/A | N/A TeamChange | 玩家号码 | N/A | N/A Timer | N/A | N/A | N/A ----------------------------------------------------------- (N/A表示0或空文本("")) 注:这个用途是我从官方论坛找到的,似乎是新版本中才有的用途。。。具体用法:此时$Message为一串2进制字符串,每个位置上的字为1/0表示该规则被选中/未选中,如第一位表示Sleep Clause,第七位表示Battle Timeout等。这个在那个txt中似乎没有。。。
IF-ELSE-ENDIF结构: ----------------------------- If [Value1] [Operator] [Value2] [Commands] Else [Other Commands] EndIf -----------------------------
[Operator]就是判断符: ----------------------------- = | 等于 == | 等于(对文本有效) <> | 不等于 > | 大于 < | 小于 >= | 不小于 <= | 不大于 ----------------------------- 这个结构就是当[Value1] [Operator] [Value2]成立时执行[Commands],否则执行[Other Commands]。
也可以if后加判断语句,例: ----------------------------- Event -PlayerSignOn If #HasPoke(#Source, 150) = 1 AND #GetPlayerInfo(#Source, AUTH) = 0 /SendPM #Source, "Mewtwo is not allowed here!" /Kick #Source Else /SendPM #Source, "Your team is valid and ready for battling!" EndIf End Event ----------------------------- 这个程序的作用是禁止使用150号精灵的普通用户进入服务器
四种逻辑判断符 ----------------------------- AND | 二者都为真则为真 OR | 二者至少一个为真则为真 XOR | 二者有且仅有一个为真则为真 EQV | 二者同真假则为真 -----------------------------
Timer(计时)结构: ----------------------------- Event Timer [Interval] [Code] EndEvent ----------------------------- [Interval]:表示间隔时间长短,大小1~86400 这个的作用是每[Interval]秒执行一次[Code]
GoTo指令:跳跃到指定标记点,标记点需要在程序中用":abc"(不含引号,abc为标记名)表示,GoTo的使用格式是GoTo abc。 例: ----------------------------- Event +ChatMessage If $Message = "Countdown" /Set #X, 5 :Loop /? $Str(#X) /Inc #X, -1 If #X <> 0 GoTo Loop EndIf /? "Blast Off!!" EndIf End Event ----------------------------- 这个程序的作用是只要输入Countdown就显示如下字符: 5 4 3 2 1 Blast Off!!
----------------------------- Event -PlayerSignOn If #HasPoke(#Source, [a1]) = 1 OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a2]) OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a3]) ………… /SendPM #Source, "Ubers is not allowed here!" /Kick #Source Else /SendPM #Source, "Your team is valid and ready for battling!" EndIf End Event ----------------------------- [a1],[a2],[a3]。。。是神兽的号码(比如要禁超梦就是150),这个是禁止带神兽的进入,如果要防止在服务器内改队伍而带上神兽的话:
----------------------------- Event +TeamChange If #HasPoke(#Source, [a1]) = 1 OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a2]) OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a3]) ………… /SendPM #Source, "Ubers is not allowed here!" /Kick #Source Else /SendPM #Source, "Your team is valid and ready for battling!" EndIf End Event ----------------------------- 一旦改队伍时加入神兽就踢出,够狠把 (以上两段需要同时使用)
还有一种比较温和的禁止法,建议采用:(效果是带神兽的不能发起或收到挑战) ----------------------------- Event -ChallengeIssued If #HasPoke(#Source, [a1]) = 1 OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a2]) OR #HasPoke(#Source, [a3]) ………… OR #HasPoke(#Target, [a1]) = 1 OR #HasPoke(#Target, [a2]) OR #HasPoke(#Target, [a3])………… /SendPM #Source, "Ubers is not allowed here!" /Kick #Source Else /SendPM #Source, "Your team is valid and ready for battling!" EndIf End Event -----------------------------
指令表: 1. Command ----------------------------- /? !val ^^^Shows the value of !val in the Server text box.
/Clear ^^^Clears the Server text box
/SendPM #PNum, $Message ^^^Sends the text in $Message to only the player with the number #PNum. Note that this DOES NOT use the PM Window (It was named before PMs were implemented).
/SendAll $Message ^^^Sends the text in $Message to all connected players.
/Kick #PNum ^^^Disconnects player #PNum.
/Ban #PNum ^^^Disconnects player #PNum and adds his/her IP to the banned IP list.
/SIDBan #PNum ^^^Disconnects player #PNum and adds his/her SID to the banned SID list.
/Run $Path ^^^Runs a the program located at $Path
/SaveValue $Key, !Val ^^^Saves a value to the Windows Registry. Advanced users can use this to extend the script's power. Keys are saved to the Visual Basic SaveSetting directory under /NetBattle/Script Values/[$Key]
/SetPlayerInfo #PNum, @Info, !NewVal ^^^Sets the specified player's information as !NewVal. Only certain values can be set. A list of valid @Info values will be provided later.
/set !var, !val 把!val(可为文本或数字或另一变量)的值赋给!var变量,详见变量部分
/unset !var 删除!var变量
/inc #var, #num 把#num(只可为数字或数字变量)的值赋给#var变量
/SetPA {#|$}ArrayName Set the individual variables with the regular /Set command.
/Set #ArrayName(#PNum), #Value When a player signs off the variable assigned to that player is automatically cleared. When a new player signs on, a new variable is automatically created for that player.
/StopEvent 阻止当前事件 可阻止的事件表 ----------------------------- -NewMessage -ChatMessage -PlayerAway -PlayerKick -PlayerBan -ChallengeIssued -----------------------------
/Exit 不再执行下面的命令行而直接跳出 -----------------------------
2.Function ----------------------------- #IsLoaded(#PNum) ^^^Returns 1 if Player PNum exists. Returns 0 otherwise.
$Name(#PNum) ^^^Returns Player PNum's name.
$Pokemon(#PokeNum) ^^^Returns the name of a Pokémon matching the number specified in #PokeNum
$Move(#MoveNum) ^^^Returns the name of a Move matching the number specified in #MoveNum
$Item(#ItemNum) ^^^Returns the name of a Item matching the number specified in #ItemNum
#PNumber($PName) ^^^Returns the number of the player matching then name $PName. Returns 0 if no such player is connected.
#HasPoke(#PNum, #PokeNum) ^^^Returns 1 if Player PNum has the Pokémon with the No. PokeNum in his/her team. Returns 0 otherwise.
#HasPokeMove(#PNum, #PokeNum, #MoveNum) ^^^Returns 1 if Player PNum has the Pokémon with the No. PokeNum and having the move MoveNum in his/her team. Returns 0 otherwise.
#GetTeamPoke(#PNum, #N) ^^^Returns the Pokédex number of a Pokémon in Player #PNum's team. Valid values for #N are 1 through 6.
#GetPlayerInfo(#PNum, @Info) ^^^Returns the specified Player's information depending on the value of @Info. (Number only) @Info is a constant; valid values are as follows: AUTH (Authority - 0 = User, 1 = Mod, 2 = Admin) BWTH (Battling With - 0 if not battling) SPED (Player Speed) HIDE (Team Hidden - 0 = Hidden, 1 = Shown) WINS (Wins) LOSE (Losses) TIES (Ties) DISC (Disconnects)
$GetPlayerInfo(#PNum, @Info) ^^^Returns the specified Player's information depending on the value of @Info. (Text only) @Info is a constant; valid values are as follows: NAME (Name) IPAD (IP Address) PSID (Station ID) DNSA (DNS Address) EXTR (Extra Information) VERS (NetBattle Version Number)
#GetCompat(#PNum, #CompatNum) ^^^Check a Player's team compatibility and returns a 1 or a 0, depending on #CompatNum. Valid values for #CompatNum are as follows: 0 - RBY w/ Trades 1 - GSC w/ Trades 2 - RBY w/o Trades 3 - GSC w/o Trades
#LineNum ^^^Returns the number of lines of text in the main message box.
#TrainersNum ^^^Returns the number of connected Players
#SysTimer ^^^Returns the number of seconds past midnight.
$Time ^^^Returns the current time in the form: HH:MM:SS AM/PM
$Date ^^^Returns the current date in the form: MM/DD/YY
$WeekDay ^^^Returns the current day of the week.
$Month ^^^Returns the current month.
#Rand(#UpperLimit, #LowerLimit) ^^^Returns a random integer between #LowerLimit and #UpperLimit, inclusive. If #LowerLimit is omitted, 0 is assumed.
#RandPlayer ^^^Returns a random player number. Returns 0 if no players are connected.
#GetValue($Key) ^^^Retrieves a number from the Windows Registry. An error occurs if the value is not a number.
$GetValue($Key) ^^^Retrieves a number from the Windows Registry. If the value is a number, it is coverted to text.
$Msg(#Index) ^^^Returns a Predefined Message, set in the Script Window on the Messages tab.
#MaxUsers ^^^Returns the maximum number of players.
#FloodTol ^^^Returns the server's flood tolerance.
$WelcomeMsg ^^^Returns the server's welcome message.
$Left($Text, #Number) ^^^Returns the specified number of characters from the left of the text.
$Right($Text, #Number) ^^^Returns the specified number of characters from the right of the text.
$Mid($Text, #Start, #Length) ^^^Returns a portion of the text $Text starting at the character specified in #Start as long as #Length characters.
#IsIn($Text, $Check, #Case) ^^^Checks if $Check is located anywhere in $Text. If so, returns the number of characters into $Text that $Check is found. If not, returns 0. #Case specifies whether or not the check is case sensitive. 0=Not CS, 1=CS. If omitted, Not CS is assumed.
#Len($Text) ^^^Returns the number of characters in the text.
$Replace $SourceText, $Find, $Replace ^^^Searchs for the text $Find in $SourceText and replaces it with $Replace. Returns the result.
$LCase($Text) ^^^Puts all the letters in $Text in lower case.
$UCase($Text) ^^^Puts all the letters in $Text in upper case.
$Chr(#Code) ^^^Returns the character specified by the ASCII code #Code. Valid values for #Code are 0 to 255. NOTE: $Chr(1) is reserved for system use. If you try to use it, it will be replaced with $Chr(2). Both are meaningless characters.
#Asc($Character) ^^^Returns the ASCII code for the character. If the length of $Character is more than 1, the first character is used.
$Str(#Number) ^^^Returns the specified number in text format.
#Val($Text) ^^^Returns the numbers in a text statement in number format. -----------------------------
编号表:摘自http://www.tvsian.com的论坛,by Jshadias 招式: 1 - Absorb 2 - Acid 3 - Acid Armor 4 - Aeroblast 5 - Agility 6 - Amnesia 7 - Ancientpower 8 - Attract 9 - Aurora Beam 10 - Barrage 11 - Barrier 12 - Baton Pass 13 - Beat Up 14 - Belly Drum 15 - Bide 16 - Bind 17 - Bite 18 - Blizzard 19 - Body Slam 20 - Bone Club 21 - Bone Rush 22 - Bonemerang 23 - Bubble 24 - Bubblebeam 25 - Charm 26 - Clamp 27 - Comet Punch 28 - Confuse Ray 29 - Confusion 30 - Constrict 31 - Conversion 32 - Conversion2 33 - Cotton Spore 34 - Counter 35 - Crabhammer 36 - Cross Chop 37 - Crunch 38 - Curse 39 - Cut 40 - Defense Curl 41 - Destiny Bond 42 - Detect 43 - Dig 44 - Disable 45 - Dizzy Punch 46 - Double Kick 47 - Double Team 48 - Double-Edge 49 - Doubleslap 50 - Dragon Rage 51 - Dragonbreath 52 - Dream Eater 53 - Drill Peck 54 - Dynamicpunch 55 - Earthquake 56 - Egg Bomb 57 - Ember 58 - Encore 59 - Endure 60 - Explosion 61 - Extremespeed 62 - Faint Attack 63 - False Swipe 64 - Fire Blast 65 - Fire Punch 66 - Fire Spin 67 - Fissure 68 - Flail 69 - Flame Wheel 70 - Flamethrower 71 - Flash 72 - Fly 73 - Focus Energy 74 - Foresight 75 - Frustration 76 - Fury Attack 77 - Fury Cutter 78 - Fury Swipes 79 - Future Sight 80 - Giga Drain 81 - Glare 82 - Growl 83 - Growth 84 - Guillotine 85 - Gust 86 - Harden 87 - Haze 88 - Headbutt 89 - Heal Bell 90 - Hi Jump Kick 91 - Hidden Power 92 - Horn Attack 93 - Horn Drill 94 - Hydro Pump 95 - Hyper Beam 96 - Hyper Fang 97 - Hypnosis 98 - Ice Beam 99 - Ice Punch 100 - Icy Wind 101 - Iron Tail 102 - Jump Kick 103 - Karate Chop 104 - Kinesis 105 - Leech Life 106 - Leech Seed 107 - Leer 108 - Lick 109 - Light Screen 110 - Lock-On 111 - Lovely Kiss 112 - Low Kick 113 - Mach Punch 114 - Magnitude 115 - Mean Look 116 - Meditate 117 - Mega Drain 118 - Mega Kick 119 - Mega Punch 120 - Megahorn 121 - Metal Claw 122 - Metronome 123 - Milk Drink 124 - Mimic 125 - Mind Reader 126 - Minimize 127 - Mirror Coat 128 - Mirror Move 129 - Mist 130 - Moonlight 131 - Morning Sun 132 - Mud-Slap 133 - Night Shade 134 - Nightmare 135 - Octazooka 136 - Outrage 137 - Pain Split 138 - Pay Day 139 - Peck 140 - Perish Song 141 - Petal Dance 142 - Pin Missile 143 - Poison Gas 144 - Poison Sting 145 - Poisonpowder 146 - Pound 147 - Powder Snow 148 - Present 149 - Protect 150 - Psybeam 151 - Psych Up 152 - Psychic 153 - Psywave 154 - Pursuit 155 - Quick Attack 156 - Rage 157 - Rain Dance 158 - Rapid Spin 159 - Razor Leaf 160 - Razor Wind 161 - Recover 162 - Reflect 163 - Rest 164 - Return 165 - Reversal 166 - Roar 167 - Rock Slide 168 - Rock Smash 169 - Rock Throw 170 - Rolling Kick 171 - Rollout 172 - Sacred Fire 173 - Safeguard 174 - Sandstorm 175 - Sand-Attack 176 - Scary Face 177 - Scratch 178 - Screech 179 - Seismic Toss 180 - Selfdestruct 181 - Shadow Ball 182 - Sharpen 183 - Sing 184 - Sketch 185 - Skull Bash 186 - Sky Attack 187 - Slam 188 - Slash 189 - Sleep Powder 190 - Sleep Talk 191 - Sludge 192 - Sludge Bomb 193 - Smog 194 - Smokescreen 195 - Snore 196 - Softboiled 197 - Solarbeam 198 - Sonicboom 199 - Spark 200 - Spider Web 201 - Spike Cannon 202 - Spikes 203 - Spite 204 - Splash 205 - Spore 206 - Steel Wing 207 - Stomp 208 - Strength 209 - String Shot 210 - Struggle 211 - Stun Spore 212 - Submission 213 - Substitute 214 - Sunny Day 215 - Super Fang 216 - Supersonic 217 - Surf 218 - Swagger 219 - Sweet Kiss 220 - Sweet Scent 221 - Swift 222 - Swords Dance 223 - Synthesis 224 - Tackle 225 - Tail Whip 226 - Take Down 227 - Teleport 228 - Thief 229 - Thrash 230 - Thunder 231 - Thunder Wave 232 - Thunderbolt 233 - Thunderpunch 234 - Thundershock 235 - Toxic 236 - Transform 237 - Tri Attack 238 - Triple Kick 239 - Twineedle 240 - Twister 241 - Vicegrip 242 - Vine Whip 243 - Vital Throw 244 - Water Gun 245 - Waterfall 246 - Whirlpool 247 - Whirlwind 248 - Wing Attack 249 - Withdraw 250 - Wrap 251 - Zap Cannon 252 - Aerial Ace 253 - Air Cutter 254 - Arm Thrust 255 - Aromatherapy 256 - Assist 257 - Astonish 258 - Blast Burn 259 - Blaze Kick 260 - Block 261 - Bounce 262 - Brick Break 263 - Bulk Up 264 - Bullet Seed 265 - Calm Mind 266 - Camouflage 267 - Charge 268 - Cosmic Power 269 - Covet 270 - Crush Claw 271 - Dive 272 - Doom Desire 273 - Dragon Claw 274 - Dragon Dance 275 - Endeavor 276 - Eruption 277 - Extrasensory 278 - Facade 279 - Fake Out 280 - Fake Tears 281 - Featherdance 282 - Flatter 283 - Focus Punch 284 - Follow Me 285 - Frenzy Plant 286 - Grasswhistle 287 - Grudge 288 - Hail 289 - Heat Wave 290 - Helping Hand 291 - Howl 292 - Hydro Cannon 293 - Hyper Voice 294 - Ice Ball 295 - Icicle Spear 296 - Imprison 297 - Ingrain 298 - Iron Defense 299 - Knock Off 300 - Leaf Blade 301 - Luster Purge 302 - Magic Coat 303 - Magical Leaf 304 - Memento 305 - Metal Sound 306 - Meteor Mash 307 - Mist Ball 308 - Mud Shot 309 - Mud Sport 310 - Muddy Water 311 - Nature Power 312 - Needle Arm 313 - Odor Sleuth 314 - Overheat 315 - Poison Fang 316 - Poison Tail 317 - Psycho Boost 318 - Recycle 319 - Refresh 320 - Revenge 321 - Rock Blast 322 - Rock Tomb 323 - Role Play 324 - Sand Tomb 325 - Secret Power 326 - Shadow Punch 327 - Sheer Cold 328 - Shock Wave 329 - Signal Beam 330 - Silver Wind 331 - Skill Swap 332 - Sky Uppercut 333 - Slack Off 334 - Smellingsalt 335 - Snatch 336 - Spit Up 337 - Stockpile 338 - Superpower 339 - Swallow 340 - Tail Glow 341 - Taunt 342 - Teeter Dance 343 - Tickle 344 - Torment 345 - Trick 346 - Uproar 347 - Volt Tackle 348 - Water Pulse 349 - Water Sport 350 - Water Spout 351 - Weather Ball 352 - Will-O-Wisp 353 - Wish 354 - Yawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 道具: 1 - Berry 2 - Berry Juice 3 - Bitter Berry 4 - Burnt Berry 5 - Gold Berry 6 - Ice Berry 7 - Mint Berry 8 - Miracle Berry 9 - Mysteryberry 10 - PrzCureBerry 11 - PsnCureBerry 12 - Berserk Gene 13 - Black Belt 14 - BlackGlasses 15 - BrightPowder 16 - Charcoal 17 - Dragon Fang 18 - Focus Band 19 - Hard Stone 20 - King's Rock 21 - Leftovers 22 - Light Ball 23 - Lucky Punch 24 - Magnet 25 - Metal Coat 26 - Metal Powder 27 - Miracle Seed 28 - Mystic Water 29 - NevermeltIce 30 - Pink Bow 31 - Poison Barb 32 - Polkadot Bow 33 - Quick Claw 34 - Scope Lens 35 - Sharp Beak 36 - Silver Powder 37 - Soft Sand 38 - Spell Tag 39 - Stick 40 - Thick Club 41 - TwistedSpoon 42 - Cheri Berry 43 - Chesto Berry 44 - Pecha Berry 45 - Rawst Berry 46 - Aspear Berry 47 - Leppa Berry 48 - Oran Berry 49 - Persim Berry 50 - Lum Berry 51 - Sitrus Berry 52 - Figy Berry 53 - Iapapa Berry 54 - Mago Berry 55 - Wiki Berry 56 - Aguav Berry 57 - Liechi Berry 58 - Ganlon Berry 59 - Salac Berry 60 - Petaya Berry 61 - Apicot Berry 62 - Lansat Berry 63 - Starf Berry 64 - Choice Band 65 - DeepSeaScale 66 - DeepSeaTooth 67 - Lax Incense 68 - Macho Brace 69 - Mental Herb 70 - Sea Incense 71 - Shell Bell 72 - Silk Scarf 73 - Soul Dew 74 - White Herb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 精灵: 1 - Bulbasaur 2 - Ivysaur 3 - Venusaur 4 - Charmander 5 - Charmeleon 6 - Charizard 7 - Squirtle 8 - Wartortle 9 - Blastoise 10 - Caterpie 11 - Metapod 12 - Butterfree 13 - Weedle 14 - Kakuna 15 - Beedrill 16 - Pidgey 17 - Pidgeotto 18 - Pidgeot 19 - Rattata 20 - Raticate 21 - Spearow 22 - Fearow 23 - Ekans 24 - Arbok 25 - Pikachu 26 - Raichu 27 - Sandshrew 28 - Sandslash 29 - Nidoran(F) 30 - Nidorina 31 - Nidoqueen 32 - Nidoran(M) 33 - Nidorino 34 - Nidoking 35 - Clefairy 36 - Clefable 37 - Vulpix 38 - Ninetales 39 - Jigglypuff 40 - Wigglytuff 41 - Zubat 42 - Golbat 43 - Oddish 44 - Gloom 45 - Vileplume 46 - Paras 47 - Parasect 48 - Venonat 49 - Venomoth 50 - Diglett 51 - Dugtrio 52 - Meowth 53 - Persian 54 - Psyduck 55 - Golduck 56 - Mankey 57 - Primeape 58 - Growlithe 59 - Arcanine 60 - Poliwag 61 - Poliwhirl 62 - Poliwrath 63 - Abra 64 - Kadabra 65 - Alakazam 66 - Machop 67 - Machoke 68 - Machamp 69 - Bellsprout 70 - Weepinbell 71 - Victreebel 72 - Tentacool 73 - Tentacruel 74 - Geodude 75 - Graveler 76 - Golem 77 - Ponyta 78 - Rapidash 79 - Slowpoke 80 - Slowbro 81 - Magnemite 82 - Magneton 83 - Farfetch'd 84 - Doduo 85 - Dodrio 86 - Seel 87 - Dewgong 88 - Grimer 89 - Muk 90 - Shellder 91 - Cloyster 92 - Gastly 93 - Haunter 94 - Gengar 95 - Onix 96 - Drowzee 97 - Hypno 98 - Krabby 99 - Kingler 100 - Voltorb 101 - Electrode 102 - Exeggcute 103 - Exeggutor 104 - Cubone 105 - Marowak 106 - Hitmonlee 107 - Hitmonchan 108 - Lickitung 109 - Koffing 110 - Weezing 111 - Rhyhorn 112 - Rhydon 113 - Chansey 114 - Tangela 115 - Kangaskhan 116 - Horsea 117 - Seadra 118 - Goldeen 119 - Seaking 120 - Staryu 121 - Starmie 122 - Mr.Mime 123 - Scyther 124 - Jynx 125 - Electabuzz 126 - Magmar 127 - Pinsir 128 - Tauros 129 - Magikarp 130 - Gyarados 131 - Lapras 132 - Ditto 133 - Eevee 134 - Vaporeon 135 - Jolteon 136 - Flareon 137 - Porygon 138 - Omanyte 139 - Omastar 140 - Kabuto 141 - Kabutops 142 - Aerodactyl 143 - Snorlax 144 - Articuno 145 - Zapdos 146 - Moltres 147 - Dratini 148 - Dragonair 149 - Dragonite 150 - Mewtwo 151 - Mew 152 - Chikorita 153 - Bayleef 154 - Meganium 155 - Cyndaquil 156 - Quilava 157 - Typhlosion 158 - Totodile 159 - Croconaw 160 - Feraligatr 161 - Sentret 162 - Furret 163 - Hoothoot 164 - Noctowl 165 - Ledyba 166 - Ledian 167 - Spinarak 168 - Ariados 169 - Crobat 170 - Chinchou 171 - Lanturn 172 - Pichu 173 - Cleffa 174 - Igglybuff 175 - Togepi 176 - Togetic 177 - Natu 178 - Xatu 179 - Mareep 180 - Flaaffy 181 - Ampharos 182 - Bellossom 183 - Marill 184 - Azumarill 185 - Sudowoodo 186 - Politoed 187 - Hoppip 188 - Skiploom 189 - Jumpluff 190 - Aipom 191 - Sunkern 192 - Sunflora 193 - Yanma 194 - Wooper 195 - Quagsire 196 - Espeon 197 - Umbreon 198 - Murkrow 199 - Slowking 200 - Misdreavus 201 - Unown 202 - Wobbuffet 203 - Girafarig 204 - Pineco 205 - Forretress 206 - Dunsparce 207 - Gligar 208 - Steelix 209 - Snubbull 210 - Granbull 211 - Qwilfish 212 - Scizor 213 - Shuckle 214 - Heracross 215 - Sneasel 216 - Teddiursa 217 - Ursaring 218 - Slugma 219 - Magcargo 220 - Swinub 221 - Piloswine 222 - Corsola 223 - Remoraid 224 - Octillery 225 - Delibird 226 - Mantine 227 - Skarmory 228 - Houndour 229 - Houndoom 230 - Kingdra 231 - Phanpy 232 - Donphan 233 - Porygon2 234 - Stantler 235 - Smeargle 236 - Tyrogue 237 - Hitmontop 238 - Smoochum 239 - Elekid 240 - Magby 241 - Miltank 242 - Blissey 243 - Raikou 244 - Entei 245 - Suicune 246 - Larvitar 247 - Pupitar 248 - Tyranitar 249 - Lugia 250 - Ho-oh 251 - Celebi 252 - Treecko 253 - Grovyle 254 - Sceptile 255 - Torchic 256 - Combusken 257 - Blaziken 258 - Mudkip 259 - Marshtomp 260 - Swampert 261 - Poochyena 262 - Mightyena 263 - Zigzagoon 264 - Linoone 265 - Wurmple 266 - Silcoon 267 - Beautifly 268 - Cascoon 269 - Dustox 270 - Lotad 271 - Lombre 272 - Ludicolo 273 - Seedot 274 - Nuzleaf 275 - Shiftry 276 - Taillow 277 - Swellow 278 - Wingull 279 - Pelipper 280 - Ralts 281 - Kirlia 282 - Gardevoir 283 - Surskit 284 - Masquerain 285 - Shroomish 286 - Breloom 287 - Slakoth 288 - Vigoroth 289 - Slaking 290 - Nincada 291 - Ninjask 292 - Shedinja 293 - Whismur 294 - Loudred 295 - Exploud 296 - Makuhita 297 - Hariyama 298 - Azurill 299 - Nosepass 300 - Skitty 301 - Delcatty 302 - Sableye 303 - Mawile 304 - Aron 305 - Lairon 306 - Aggron 307 - Meditite 308 - Medicham 309 - Electrike 310 - Manectric 311 - Plusle 312 - Minun 313 - Volbeat 314 - Illumise 315 - Roselia 316 - Gulpin 317 - Swalot 318 - Carvanha 319 - Sharpedo 320 - Wailmer 321 - Wailord 322 - Numel 323 - Camerupt 324 - Torkoal 325 - Spoink 326 - Grumpig 327 - Spinda 328 - Trapinch 329 - Vibrava 330 - Flygon 331 - Cacnea 332 - Cacturne 333 - Swablu 334 - Altaria 335 - Zangoose 336 - Seviper 337 - Lunatone 338 - Solrock 339 - Barboach 340 - Whiscash 341 - Corphish 342 - Crawdaunt 343 - Baltoy 344 - Claydol 345 - Lileep 346 - Cradily 347 - Anorith 348 - Armaldo 349 - Feebas 350 - Milotic 351 - Castform 352 - Kecleon 353 - Shuppet 354 - Banette 355 - Duskull 356 - Dusclops 357 - Tropius 358 - Chimecho 359 - Absol 360 - Wynaut 361 - Snorunt 362 - Glalie 363 - Spheal 364 - Sealeo 365 - Walrein 366 - Clamperl 367 - Huntail 368 - Gorebyss 369 - Relicanth 370 - Luvdisc 371 - Bagon 372 - Shelgon 373 - Salamence 374 - Beldum 375 - Metang 376 - Metagross 377 - Regirock 378 - Regice 379 - Registeel 380 - Latias 381 - Latios 382 - Kyogre 383 - Groudon 384 - Rayquaza 385 - Jirachi 386 - Deoxys 387 - Deoxys-F 388 - Deoxys-L 389 - Deoxys-E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (大家应该注意到了,招式和道具都是按字母顺序排的,精灵则是按图鉴)